LPEQ0002: Prism4
Product identification
LPEQ0002: LabsLand Prism4
Description: LabsLand Prism4 is a modular structure for building interactive real-time, remote hardware systems faster and more efficiently.
DigiKey link: https://www.digikey.com/en/products/detail/labsland/LPEQ0002/21725622
Main website: http://labsland.com/web/prism4
Purchase this lab: Buy it at DigiKey
LabsLand Prism4 is a modular structure for building interactive real-time, remote hardware systems faster and more efficiently.
The Prism4 comes with:
Power supply (12V, 5V), and 12 Molex connectors
A light system that illuminates the interior of the structure
Light curtains that prevent the ambient light from affecting the user experience
Two cameras
Modular system to include hardware
Inside the structure, you can install general-purpose or specific-purpose remote hardware kits listed below.
This product was co-designed with Phase Dock and DigiKey (see press release).
Prism4 with Altera DE1-SoC Kit (LPEQ0003)
Installation & Reference Manual
Coming soon.
Available remote hardware kits
The remote hardware kits listed below are purchased separately and have been designed for Prism4.
LPEQ0003: Altera DE1-SoC FPGA
This kit is designed for DE1-SoC FPGA boards. The kit comes with:
Two mounting plates, each supporting two DE1-SoC (four total). FPGA boards are not included.
Oscilloscope and multiplexing board.
All cables and required converters (VGA, audio), GPIOs
Required controllers to control the FPGAs
DigiKey link: coming soon.
Laboratory page: https://labsland.com/en/labs/fpga-de1-soc
LPEQ0004: ST Nucleo WB55RG FPGA
This kit is designed for ST Nucleo WB55RG boards. The kit comes with:
Two mounting plates, each supporting 4 boards (eight total), including the boards.
Displays, 4 LEDs per ST board, servomotor, ADC converters.
Required controllers to control the ST boarsd
DigiKey link: coming soon.
Laboratory page: https://labsland.com/en/labs/stm32-nucleo-c
ST Nucleo WB55RG kit inside a Prism4 (front light curtain removed for the photo)
LPEQ0005: General-purpose Plate (GPP1)
(Photos coming soon)
This mounting plate kit is designed for general purpose, and it includes:
Two mounting plates.
DigiKey link: coming soon.
LPEQ0006: General-purpose Plate with Raspberry Pi support (GPP2)
This mounting plate kit is designed for general purpose designed for having two Raspberry Pi, and it includes:
Two mounting plates.
Two Phase Dock Raspberry Pi 3/4/5 clicks and slides, assembled.
Two LabsLand PCBs for powering the two Raspberry Pi
DigiKey link: coming soon.
(Photos coming soon)
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