LPEQ0002: Prism4

Product identification

LPEQ0002: LabsLand Prism4

Description: LabsLand Prism4 is a modular structure for building interactive real-time, remote hardware systems faster and more efficiently.

DigiKey link: https://www.digikey.com/en/products/detail/labsland/LPEQ0002/21725622

Main website: http://labsland.com/web/prism4

Purchase this lab: Buy it at DigiKey


LabsLand Prism4 is a modular structure for building interactive real-time, remote hardware systems faster and more efficiently.

The Prism4 comes with:

Inside the structure, you can install general-purpose or specific-purpose remote hardware kits listed below.

This product was co-designed with Phase Dock and DigiKey (see press release).

Prism4 with Altera DE1-SoC Kit (LPEQ0003)

Installation & Reference Manual

Coming soon.

Available remote hardware kits

The remote hardware kits listed below are purchased separately and have been designed for Prism4.

LPEQ0003: Altera DE1-SoC FPGA

This kit is designed for DE1-SoC FPGA boards. The kit comes with:

DigiKey link: coming soon.

Laboratory page: https://labsland.com/en/labs/fpga-de1-soc

LPEQ0004: ST Nucleo WB55RG FPGA 

This kit is designed for ST Nucleo WB55RG boards. The kit comes with:

DigiKey link: coming soon.

Laboratory page: https://labsland.com/en/labs/stm32-nucleo-c

ST Nucleo WB55RG kit inside a Prism4 (front light curtain removed for the photo)

LPEQ0005: General-purpose Plate (GPP1)

(Photos coming soon)

This mounting plate kit is designed for general purpose, and it includes:

DigiKey link: coming soon.

LPEQ0006: General-purpose Plate with Raspberry Pi support (GPP2)

This mounting plate kit is designed for general purpose designed for having two Raspberry Pi, and it includes:

DigiKey link: coming soon.

(Photos coming soon)


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